Collection: Collars metal

Welcome to the metal collars page of SM-Toys. SM-Toys is one of the largest suppliers of steel collars in various sizes and this will only increase in the future! Most of our collars are made of stainless steel and are therefore nickel-free! Of course we sell collars in stainless steel that you can also find elsewhere, this is mainly noticeable because of collars that are only available in 1 or 2 sizes. However, we also often see collars that are available in sizes from 100 mm diameter to 140 mm diameter standard in our range. These are regularly collars that we import ourselves or have specially made for us. We are also one of the few collar sellers who have collars in different colors such as polished stainless steel, gold-plated, black coated or neochrome (multi-colored). If you are unsure about a certain size collar, try to fit it with someone you know, and always try on a steel collar if you have the option. In addition, you are of course always welcome to come and try on a collar by appointment, just send us a message by email. Some of our stainless steel collars have a separate O-ring, so that you can wear them for work or every day without the O-ring, for example, but if you go to a play party, the O-ring can be placed on it. This obviously adds value to your collar.